
Correction Policy : At, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and fact-checked news. However, we understand that mistakes can happen. If any incorrect information is published on our website, we take full responsibility and are dedicated to correcting it as soon as possible. 

Our Commitment to Accuracy or Correction 

We strive to provide trustworthy news, but if an error is identified in any of our articles, reports, or publications, we make it our priority to Correction it swiftly and transparently. it’s only purpose is to ensure that mistake are acknowledged, corrected and measures are taken to avoid them in the future.

What We Do When We Find an Error:

Minor Corrections

For small errors (like misspellings, incorrect dates, or minor factual errors), we will promptly make the necessary corrections within the article and add a note at the bottom explaining what was changed.

Major Corrections or Retractions

If a significant error has been published that affects the core message of the article. We will correct it and issue a formal correction notice at the top or bottom of the article. In cases where the entire story is incorrect. We may retract the article entirely and post an explanation for our readers.


Any correction or update made to an article will be clearly noted to maintain full transparency with our readers. Our goal is to keep you informed with accurate and trustworthy information at all times.

Visible Correction Notices: A transparent news website will have a dedicated section or notice area where corrections are listed. Instead of quietly updating an article. a visible notice lets readers know that the publication values honesty.

How You Can Help:

If you notice any inaccuracies or incorrect information on our website. We encourage you to notify us. Your feedback helps us maintain high standards of journalism and credibility.

Contact Us for Corrections:

If you find an error in any of our content. please reach out to us at below address.


We deeply apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused by the incorrect information and appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the accuracy of our reporting.